MY 23 Bday Pact

The arrival of another year coincides with the concept of becoming one year older, wiser, and more experienced. It is an exciting thought for me to compare the individual that I am now, to the person that I once was five years, three years, or even one year ago. The idea of growth is something that is to each her own; a person can grow as little or as much as they please. One thing that I have found to be an axiom is that growth is a choice; from any perspective ranging from emotional to intellectual. The only definite change-agent in anyone’s life will be themselves.

I say all of this in order to set the background for this miraculous day; on July 12, 1990 I entered into this world. I obviously had no expectation or conscious thought of the life that awaited me, or clue of the ideal life that I wanted. However, now that am 23 years grown I know a little about life; and a lot about the personal power that I have to create and gravitate the things that I want into it. For the past month and a half, I have been glued to the concept of positive psychology. A method that focuses on emphasizing the positive aspects of life to the fullest extent; as oppose to pointing out the problems and issues. Now, I definitely understand the idea of not simply putting a ban-aid onto an open incision. In order for any type of healing to occur we must first deal with the root issue and clean it out thoroughly, so that there are no remaining elements to fester. But, I do believe that through pin-pointing the roots of your emotions and working on getting past them; while simultaneously living a life of continuous gratitude for both the good and bad encounters, a life of freedom will manifest.

So on this day, my fab and fierce 23rd Bday I am so excited for the emotional, intellectual, financial, relational, and favorable breakthroughs that I am openly receiving. My perspective of my life and the world is changing for the better and I will follow the steps that I have made for myself, in order to continue my positive transition.

  1. Live life in gratitude. Be thankful for the things in life that I do have, and find the blessings in the mishaps.
  2. Take time to assess what it is that I really want out of each situation, and strategically plan on how to possess it.
  3. Worry less about outward sources of opinions, and concentrate on the validity of my authenticity.
  4. Go after every opportunity that offers the chance of positive change.
  5. “Love the person that I am completely; even if it makes others uncomfortable.” This is a quote that I was inspired by from the incomparable Janelle Monae, and it rings true. Therefore, I will embrace and showcase the boldness, strength, confidence, left-field opinions, and boisterous characteristics that are the “pieces of me”. As one of my favorite singers voiced, at all times you have to be good to yourself; thank you Ledisi.
  6. Never be judgmental of anyone! Get to know the core of a person before using discernment to evaluate their right be in your life or not.
  7. Laugh more, do not take life so seriously. I have worked my way up the latter of various organizations; now its time to relax and allow my experience to speak for itself. I have nothing to prove anymore.
  8. Share more of the essence of who I am with others. Be goofy, loud, and even obnoxious if it is how I am feeling at the moment, act upon it. Those who judge are really fighting with their own internal struggles.
  9. Embrace life to the ultimate FULLEST! I will open myself up to the aspect of meeting new people, living new places, daring to be bold and living outside of the box of norm ( dare I say to be eccentric), express how I feel when I am feeling it, and live a life of no regrets.

This is my pact to myself, and I will hold myself accountable for following through with it completely!

A. Nicholson

© A. Nicholson, 2013-2013. All Rights Reserved.

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